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The content of this website has been prepared for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

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This website may contain links to third-party websites or other content for informational purposes only. Apollo Law does not control these third-party links and is not responsible for the content found therein. The inclusion of any links to such third-party websites does not constitute or imply any recommendation, approval, or endorsement of such third-party websites or content.

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Apollo Law does not intend this website to be advertising for legal services. This website is not an offer to perform legal services in any jurisdiction in which the attorneys of Apollo Law are not licensed to practice. The jurisdictions in which our lawyers are licensed to practice are indicated within each lawyer's biography in the “Team" section of this website.

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The views expressed on or through this website are the opinions of the designated authors and do not reflect the opinions or views of any of their clients or the law firm or the opinions or views of any other individual

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This website, the names “Apollo Law" and “Apollo Sports & Entertainment Law" and the logos used on this website are the property of Apollo Law and are protected by the intellectual property laws of the United States.

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